The popular Charcoal Room steakhouse, located within the Palace Station Hotel & Casino features great steaks, fresh fish, and daily specials with a superb wine list in the heart of Las Vegas.
With the extensive renovation of the Palace Station Hotel & Casino, the popular Charcoal Room was added to the facility. Included in the design of the new restaurant were Modernfold’s Acousti-Seal 932 paired panel partitions. These partitions were integrated into the design of the Charcoal Room to not only allow flexibility within the restaurant, but to also create an aesthetic design feature within the space itself.
The Acousti-Seal 932 operable partitions are used to separate two private dining areas, which allow for the desired flexibility within the restaurant. Whether serving large dining parties or smaller individual parties, the Charcoal Room now has the flexibility and ability to cater to the ever-changing needs of the Las Vegas scene.